Melea Stoltenberg - Photographer
i believe there is beauty in everyday life. i believe there is beauty in everyday things. i believe there is love in everyday life. i believe there is peace between the clouds. i believe there is joy and we desperately need to find it. i believe in the power of goodness and love. i try to find it everyday and capture it. i am a lover of the light. let me capture yours.
What to expect:
I'm a photographer. This is what I do.
I coordinate the shoot. I act as fashion consultant. I watch the weather. I drive to the shoot location and find the best spots and lightning for your session time, prior to the shoot. I create pinboards for clothing ideas. I create concept shots for stylized shoots. I act as your map guide. I wash all props before and after the shoot. I test equipment. I make sure everything is charged. I spend thousands of dollars on equipment. I pay insurance on the equipment. I learn new techniques. I drive. I sing and dance to entertain your children. I sooth crying babies. I mold babies into postions. I research. I scout new locations. I buy permits. I spend hours and hours editing. I go over every photograph with a fine tooth comb. I want you to look your best.